Wear N' Tear

Wear N' Tear DEMO

Erode your models by adding Wear N' Tear to create that used, worn out feel.

Activate the add-on by pressing "F9".
Select Wear N' Tear HP (Realistic) or Wear N' Tear LP for a stylized look.

Erode your model(s) individually one at a time or multiple objects all at once (multi select).
Restore your model in whole or partially (loose part) to its original state as many times as needed. Forever. No need to work "non destructively".
Add mortar between Stones or bricks (Pro).
Cover your model(s) with plaster (Pro).
Cut cracks, cut parts off, add scratches or model the whole thing first using Sketch N' Carve CORE (Pro, Damage Control)
Simulate parts to create a realistic debris using Sketch N' Simulate_SE (Full Damage Control)

Let'er rip!


Herod's Temple Mount (YouTube): A professional production that uses Wear N' Tear on every object in the video. Courtesy of Jeremy Park for the Bible Scenes.

Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear LP

Wear N' Tear LP: Edge damage for a stylized look.

Wear N' Tear HP: Choose between many textures.
Wear N' Tear HP: Cavities
Wear N' Tear LP
Wear N' Tear LP: Process multiple parts in a single object as if they were separate objects.
Wear N' Tear LP: Achieve many different looks by adjusting the sliders (or not. Defaults are pretty good too)
Wear N' Tear PRO + Mortar + Plaster (Plaster will detect mortar automatically if present)
Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear Pro + Mortar + Plaster
Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear Pro + Mortar + Plaster
Wear N' Tear Pro: Plaster Planet
Restore the model in whole or partially (loose part) to its original state as many times as needed.
Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear Pro + Mortar
Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear LP
Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear LP
Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear HP + Plaster
Sketch N' Carve (Modeling) + Wear N' Tear LP + Wear N' Tear HP