Restore Operator Defaults:
If at some point during a Sketch N' Cage session you get confused or things start not working the way you've expected, it is probably because of some settings you have changed and forgotten about (The setting are persistent during each session). Instead of digging through all the menu options you can reset all the settings to their default values by selecting "Restore Operator Defaults" option under the "Operator Presets" drop down menu.


This will restore all the settings. You can then set only the ones you would like to be active.
Saving Custom Presets:
You can also save your own custom presets by clicking the "+" sign next to the "Operator Presets" menu.
preset custom
Give it a name and click OK.
cust 0
cust 1
From now on it will be listed with the other presets.
cust 2
Similarly you can remove any of the presets with the "-" (minus) button. First select the preset you would like to remove, then click the minus ("-") sign. This will remove the preset (without warning, so, be careful).